Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I can't believe it's been a whole month since our last update.

School has started and we have been going, going, going! We are doing great though. Here are some updates for you.


Two weeks ago I took Emily to the Doctor at the University of Michigan for a checkup about her hips. She had been wearing a brace for 12 hours at night while she slept. They took an x-ray and the doctor said she only needed to wear her brace for two more weeks. The next check-up scheduled is in December. So, as you may have guessed, those two weeks are over and she is out of her brace for good. WooHoo!! Last night was her first night without any kind of a brace since she was 2 weeks old, and she slept pretty well. She is a very active baby. She is sitting up with support and rolling around on the floor. She is a joy to be around, & we love her smiles.


Shelbyanne is doing great. She entered the toddler class in childcare and is loving it. She looks forward to going to class everyday. She communicates very well for her age. We love her sweet voice and are simply amazed at all of the things she knows and says. She loves her little sister. She is very mothering to her. It's cute!


We have started classes for this semester and are really enjoying studying the Bible and getting to know our classmates and staff better. Rob is getting involved in the prison ministry where they go to the prisons to share with the inmates how to have and grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I, Amy, am trying to balance family, homework (lots of reading), socializing, and my crafts (scrapbooking, sewing, knitting, etc...)

Please keep us posted on what you and your family are up to. We look forward to hearing from you.


Blues and Greens said...

I love y'all! Would have liked some more info on Amy and Rob, but I know you are way busy. I pray your classes are refreshing to you.

Much love from Mississippi!


The Berni Family said...

WOW!!! Your girls are getting so big! Thanks for the updates. I look forward to each one to see what is new with the Ellis famly.